Gruppo Tecniche Avanzate - G.T.A. Di Giuseppe Boscolo - Societa' In Accomandita Semplice
GTA is a multidisciplinary company that develops and manufactures instrumentation for industry and research. GTA has developed strong problem-solving skills by always identifying innovative and advantageous solutions in the different application sectors in which it operates mainly. GTA works alongside the customer providing an all-round service able to satisfy the most complex needs.
Role within 4D-NMR
GTA will focus its contribution to the project in the supply and development of the hardware needed to the partners in order to validate the nano-characterization methods proposed, the systems will be developed as demonstrator and will use components and systems existing on the OEM professional market. Sample temperature and magnetic field control systems will be developed. RF front ends with different filtering and matching capabilities to the signal source will be designed and tested. Finally, systems for RF pulsing SDR will be developed and tested.